Socialization is a fine art.

Done well, socialization of a puppy or a new dog (whatever their age!) results in positive and informative experiences that build the dog’s understanding of the world.

Socialization checklists are everywhere! But when we follow a checklist instead of listening to what our specific dog needs, we can end up doing more harm than good.


Wherever we go with them, we want our puppies and new adoptees to:

·      Feel safe

·      Build confidence & skills

·      Be in the Think & Learn Zone

·      Have pleasant experiences

·      Stay connected to us

We want to avoid our dog practicing being:

·      Overly excited

·      Out of control

·      Overwhelmed or shut down

·      Scared or anxious

·      Disconnected from us


Each socialization outing can be successful when we use the individual dog’s temperament, sensory perception of the world, age, skills and experience to guide us. 

This webinar will be recorded, and you will have access to the recording for a year.

Using concepts drawn from CARAT (a temperament assessment tool) and the Socialization MAP (Mindful & Planned) course, this webinar will dig into:

  • Stick with Me, Kid! – The power of connection, how to build it and keep it

  • Arousal and Learning – Why the Think & Learn Zone is so critical

  • Why Practice Makes Perfect (Or Perfectly Awful!) – The value of building good habits

  • Time is on Your Side – How to use time effectively

  • Exit Stage Left! – When and why to leave or take a break

  • Ground Control to Puppy Brain – What to do when connection is lost

  • I’ve Got Your Back – Offering support and comfort

Course curriculum

    1. RECORDED: Walk a Mile in Their Paws

    2. Obtaining CEUs and attendance certificates

    3. Can you help?

    4. Want to create a personalized socialization plan for your dog?

    5. Thank you for watching!

About this course

  • $29.95

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You will have access to the material for a year.