The Elemental Questions

This is where truly humane training is grounded: in detailed knowledge about the individual dog.

How the dog responds to life is highly individual, blending temperament with personality and history — and of course, the environment and others around him. Understanding the dog within the context of this complex blend of information helps handlers work to modify and adapt their handling and goals for enhanced relationships and better performance.

Suzanne’s simple but powerful Elemental Questions are:

  • HELLO? Looks at the dog’s social interactions

  • WHO ARE YOU? Asks about how the dog perceives and responds to his world

  • HOW IS THIS FOR YOU? Asks about the immediate situation and the dog’s mental, physical & emotional balance

  • CAN YOU. . .? Looks at the dog’s physical abilities & limitations

  • MAY I. . .? Seeks ways to gain the dog’s cooperation and permission

  • CAN WE. . .? Balancing the dog/handler team’s abilities and limitations against goals

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Watch The Elemental Questions

    3. More resources for you

    4. Can you help?

About this course

  • Free
  • 4 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content


Includes one year of access