Do you know how to support your Therapy Dog?

Whether you are new to the field, or experienced, this webinar is for anyone looking to be a better team.

We’ve all seen the heart-warming photos and videos of therapy dogs making their rounds, bringing smiles and cheering those most in need of what a dog can offer. 

What goes unseen and unrecognized is all that is happening to make these visits successful. It is so much more than presenting a friendly dog willing to accept some pats on the head. 

Whether you’re new to therapy dog work or are experienced in this field, Ann Howie’s outstanding webinars reflect the depth of her understanding of the complex interactions between dog, handler, client, and facility.

For all handlers, as well as those supervising dog/handler teams, a primary question is this: Do you know how to support the dog? What is the handler’s role in animal-assisted services?

Supporting Your Therapy Dog: Part One covers:

  • Not All Hugs & Rainbows  Being a therapy dog can be stressful. Common stressors and those unique to your dog. 
  • Before the Visit Begins  Set the stage for success
  • During the Visit  Moment by moment, juggling dog, client and others
  • End of Visit & Return Home  Helping your dog relax and recover
  • Challenges & Solutions  Learn about common issues in Animal Assisted Services and practical solutions.

This is the first in a two-part webinar (though each webinar stands alone!). 

Return for part 2 in April to learn the STEPS of Teamwork™ - specific supportive handling techniques to utilize during your sessions.

Course curriculum

    1. WATCH: Supporting Your Therapy Dog

    2. Mentioned Additional Resources

    3. Obtaining CEUs and attendance certificates

    4. Can you help?

    5. Thank you for watching! Looking for more?

About this course

  • $29.95

Supporting Your Therapy Dog: Part One

This is a recorded webinar, you will have a year access with purchase.

Ann Howie


Ann began her life by being friends with the animals on her farm.  As an adult, she found ways to incorporate animals into her psychotherapy practice and to advocate for the animal’s perspective as a dog trainer.  She helped develop the first Standards of Practice in the field of animal-assisted services, she has written books and textbooks for both volunteers and professionals, and she continues to develop and teach curricula on-line and in-person.  Kindness is central to her way of being, toward both humans and the animals with whom we share this planet. 

Ann runs Human-Animal Solutions, PLLC.  You can find out more about her and her business at: