Puppy Politeness Poker teaches your dog to be attentive and cooperative, even when excited.

Easy, quick interactions throughout the day using real life rewards (RLR) create positive changes in your dog/human relationship.

Suitable for any age, PPP features:
• real-life rewards
• self-control skills
• improved communication
• force-free, no equipment necessary
• non-confrontational
• suitable for dogs with aggression or other behavior issues

Learn to:
• Create your dog’s CAN DO! and WILL DO lists
• Set the bar for expectations
• “Offer on/offer gone”
• Find PPP opportunities in your daily life
• Create new PPP challenges
• Work PPP with multiple dogs

As a part of daily life, attentive cooperation becomes the natural response from the dog. Even 7-8 week old puppies can learn PPP, a great foundation for any pup. PPP is ideal for teaching teenage dogs self control, and can help rebalance the relationship in humane, effective, force-free ways. For rescue & foster dogs PPP offers a way for the dog to feel good about working with people.

Learn how to put PPP to work for your own dog, or to add it to your training toolkit.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Watch Puppy Politeness Poker

    3. Can you help?

    4. More resources for you

About this course

  • $29.95
  • 4 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content


Includes one year access.

Looking to rent or get lifetime access?

Previously recorded webinars are available to stream or download through Vimeo.com. You can find out more about this title at Suzanne's Vimeo page using the link below.