"Oh, he puts EVERYTHING in his mouth!" says the retriever owner. "My dog chases anything that moves," says the herding dog owner. "Not mine," says the guarding dog owner, "mine's too busy barking at anyone that comes near the house."

What makes dogs so different in their behavior? We'll take a look at what makes a dog a helper, a herder, a hunter or a hugger - or a combination of them all.

While each dog is an individual, selective breeding has shaped some interesting variations on “generic dog.” Learn how these differences are expressed, and why they can create confusion, frustration and conflict between dogs as well as between dogs and their humans.

  •  Is your dog a herder, hunter, helper or hugger?
  • Built for the job: Understanding behavioral conformation
  • Variations on a theme: how humans have adjusted the generic dog to create breeds and behavior patterns
  • Common dog/dog conflicts and their origin

This fascinating webinar is perfect for anyone who wants a deeper appreciation of  dogs and their individual differences, and a practical understanding of why your dog does - or doesn't -- do x, y or z. It's not all about training! but armed with more complete information, you can make better choices for your dog.

Vive la difference!

Course curriculum

    1. WATCH: Herder, Helper, Hunter, Hugger

About this course

  • $29.95
  • 1 lesson
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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