Socialization MAP (Mindful and Planned)

Socialization is how your pup learns about the world - and he needs to know a lot! The experiences you provide for him will shape his understanding of life and Socialization MAP (Mindful and Planned) helps you build a customized plan for your dog.

  • Provides an introduction to puppy development, and the science behind socialization.

  • Helps you design a custom socialization plan using five categories of experience.

  • Teaches you how to S.E.E. the P.U.P. and assess your dog's state of mind and support them in any situation.

  • Includes written lessons, embedded video, and worksheets for you to download and customize according to your dog's needs.

  • Includes BONUS MATERIALS, including free e-book, "It Takes A Pack to Raise A Puppy"

What are people saying?

5 star rating

Great name. Very appropriate

Donna Russell

Plenty of sound information in short chapters. Very readable. a few videos were great addition.

Plenty of sound information in short chapters. Very readable. a few videos were great addition.

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5 star rating

Awesome Course

Michele Khol

Great information. Easy steps to apply it into daily life with a puppy and older dogs.

Great information. Easy steps to apply it into daily life with a puppy and older dogs.

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5 star rating

Thank you for lots of very useful information, which I will put to good use in my dogs school, and when I hopefully get my new puppy next year :)

Renate Gregersen

5 star rating

Be gentle as you guide the dog through new things

Melinda Wines

You can tell by dog's posture, eyes, and position how he feels about a situation. Never push a dog toward something he doesn't want to do. Instead be there with a kind hand to comfort him if he's worried, just as you would do with another person.

You can tell by dog's posture, eyes, and position how he feels about a situation. Never push a dog toward something he doesn't want to do. Instead be there with a kind hand to comfort him if he's worried, just as you would do with another person.

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5 star rating

Great program

Marjorie Trebino

I thought I had a good knowledge base but this course filled in many gaps

I thought I had a good knowledge base but this course filled in many gaps

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5 star rating

Things all new puppy owners should know and practice

Pam Belcher

Great explanations, nice to have video to back up a concept, dispels a lot of well-meaning myths about “puppies must meet 100 people and dogs a week!” Or whatever it is people think is right. Also dispels “a tired dog is a good dog!” Something peo...

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Great explanations, nice to have video to back up a concept, dispels a lot of well-meaning myths about “puppies must meet 100 people and dogs a week!” Or whatever it is people think is right. Also dispels “a tired dog is a good dog!” Something people say but make it sound like you need to do more and more and more exercise, potentially damaging the puppy, teaching him to be overaroused, not giving him enough sleep, not giving him calm, thoughtful experiences. Great tips for what a puppy actually needs in his development, rather than just “exercise” and potty training. I wish all new puppy owners could see this!

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5 star rating

The title is pertinent to the material presented.

Diane Lynch

I have a lot of experience with dogs, my own and having managed a breed rescue program for 12 years. We recently acquired a 10 1/2 month old pup from the breeder, which is quite bit different than purchasing a 10 week old pup! I found the informat...

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I have a lot of experience with dogs, my own and having managed a breed rescue program for 12 years. We recently acquired a 10 1/2 month old pup from the breeder, which is quite bit different than purchasing a 10 week old pup! I found the information helpful to review, as a reminder for myself, on how to best help this pup along in her new life and world. I will go on to study the From Maddening to Maturity webinar.

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Course curriculum

    1. A message from the instructor

    2. How to use this course

    1. Socialization is the Foundation for Life

    2. Developmental Timeline: Birth to 16 Weeks

    3. Developmental Timeline: 16-24 Weeks

    4. Developmental Timeline: 6 to 9 Months (24-36 Weeks)

    5. Developmental Timeline: 9 Months (Teenage) to Adult

    1. Building the Reference Library

    2. Your Pup's Senses and Socialization

    3. Walk a Mile in His Paws

    4. Quality, Not Quantity


    6. Sweet Dreams!

    1. Five Categories of Experience

    2. Relationships - People

    3. Relationships - Dogs

    4. Safe Dog to Dog Introductions

    5. Teaching Self Control Around Other Dogs

    6. Places & Events/Activities

    7. Things

    8. Other Animals

    1. S.E.E. the P.U.P.

    2. DOWNLOAD - S.E.E. the P.U.P. Chart

    3. DOWNLOAD - Supporting Your Puppy

    4. Supporting Your Puppy

    5. Comforting the Fearful Pup

    6. Being Your Dog's Best Guide to Life

    7. Time to Grow Up

    1. Customizing Your Pup's Socialization Experiences

    2. Experience In Your Home & Daily LIfe

    3. Belle's Customized Socialization Plan

    4. Socialization MAP Worksheets

    5. Your Socialization MAP Personalized Plan

    6. Before you go . . .

    7. More resources for you

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 40 lessons


  • When does this course start?

    Socialization MAP is a self-paced course you can start at any time.

  • Who is this course for?

    This course is for all dog owners and can help customize a socialization plan for a new puppy or an adult dog who missed out on early socialization. It can also help trainers work with their clients.

  • How long is the course and how long does it take to finish?

    This course is self-paced and can be done in a few days or a few weeks. You will have access to the materials for a full year.

Bonus material

Also included!

  • Mindful Socialization - Recorded Webinar

    $29.95 value

    The Mindful Socialization webinar helps you learn to listen to your puppy or new dog, understand him as an individual, and tailor socialization experiences to build his confidence and trust at every step.

  • It Takes a Pack to Raise a Puppy

    $4.99 value

Get Socialization MAP (Mindful and Planned)

Enroll now and enjoy thise course for a year.

Looking for more?

We offer bundles were you can get multiple skills to add to your tool box at a great price.

  • $175.00

    $175.00Relationship Centered Training Skills for Puppies and Adolescents

    Looking to learn the basic Relationship Centered Training Skills while also learning more about puppy development and adolescence? You can get the Auto Check-In, Creating Attentive Cooperation, Go Say Hi 1-2-3, I'll Be Back and I'll Be Right Here along with Socialization MAP (Mindful and Planned) and webinars to help you navigate raising a dog to adulthood!
    Buy Now