If one dog is great, what could be better than two? Or three? Or more!
Turns out four legged families are as wonderful and complicated as our two legged families.
Trainer Suzanne Clothier knows what life with many dogs is like. Though currently quietly housed with just 7 German Shepherds, she’s had as many as 13 dogs (not counting puppies!). Her lifetime experience as a trainer and breeder helps dog owners around the world understand their lives shared with multiple dogs.
This webinar will cover many aspects of managing multiple dogs:
- Mine? Yours? Ours? Resources - space, food, toys, attention
- Queen Bees & Family Dynamics: The intersection of temperament, time, space & age
- Sparks Can Fly: Assessing volatility, thresholds, transitions & triggers
Common issues will be discussed:
- Adding new dogs (puppies, guests, foster/rescues)
- Managing conflicts
- How to work with multiple dogs
- Warning signs
Whether you’re thinking of adding a new dog, struggling with your current dog family, wanting new perspectives to help your clients, or just find dog behavior fascinating, this evening is a don’t miss webinar!
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WATCH: Four Legged Familes
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About this course
- $29.95
- 3 lessons
- 3 hours of video content
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