CARAT Changes Everything.

The Clothier Animal Response Assessment Tool (CARAT) was developed in 2007 by Suzanne Clothier as an assessment system that categorizes behavior in multiple components that are intuitive and practical.

CARAT takes a detailed view of the individual dog as a unique combination of many factors working together to influence, exacerbate, mitigate and enhance each other. A CARAT profile reflects specific scores created from a detailed rubric for each of the 21 temperament traits assessed.

How to Enroll

STEP 1 - Complete the following prerequisite courses:

  1. Intro to CARAT
  2. Observation Skills Part One
  3. Observation Skills Part

STEP 2 - E-mail us and we will confirm that you have completed your prerequisites. Once confirmed, we will send you the payment link to complete your enrollment.  

Regular Price - $1800.00

Payment Plan Enrollment - 5 monthly payments of $385.00


What is CARAT?

CARAT is an assessment tool that creates a detailed profile of the individual dog as a unique combination of many traits working together to influence, exacerbate, mitigate and enhance each other.

CARAT is not a test. There is no PASS or FAIL. CARAT is a scoring system, based on observable behaviors and patterns of response.

The goal is the creation of a profile for an individual animal. That profile may then be used to provide a deeper understanding of the individual and to evaluate suitability for a task, lifestyle or handler.

CARAT accurately describes temperament in a clear behavior profile for that individual dog. Those trained in CARAT will be able to consistently produce profiles that are reliable and reflect a high degree of agreement with others also trained in CARAT.

Additionally, CARAT profiles are predictive. Anyone trained in CARAT will be able to predict from a CARAT profile what a dog’s possible responses might be for a given scenario. CARAT profiles thus provide a way of understanding and sorting dogs efficiently and with clear, consistent organization of information about the dog.

Course Objectives

Take your training to a whole new level with CARAT. Build your observation skills while you learn this nuanced framework for understanding dogs.

  • Apply the CARAT traits and score sheets to evaluate the dogs in individual settings.

  • Accurately interpret and translate the CARAT profile.

  • Develop skills in matching the correct dog with the appropriate lifestyle, home or task.

  • Identify suitable candidates for specific tasks.

  • Provide valuable insights on how to meet the needs of an individual animal.

  • Administer the Clothier Puppy and Clothier Adult tests, scored using CARAT.

Key Distinctions

CARAT vs. Other Assessments

Other temperament assessment systems lump together different traits into broad categories -“big buckets” – such as confidence/fear, dominance, distraction, aggression, excitability, anxious, attachment/separation anxiety, etc. These “big bucket” assessments are relatively crude measurements. While they are useful in generalized patterns and statistics for populations or trends, they are not good at providing nuanced or detailed information about an individual animal.

CARAT takes a more detailed view with a deliberate focus on the individual animal. The focus is on adaptive behavior, which is the typical performance of individuals without disabilities in meeting environmental expectations.

The scoring of observed behaviors creates profiles that demonstrate how one individual dog may be different from another dog.

Other scoring systems describe overall behavior and oversimplify canine behavior. CARAT identifies the traits/elements that are contributing to the overall behavior. CARAT does not lump together many different traits. Instead, CARAT differentiates at a fine level.

For example, CARAT can delineate the differences between a dog who is stressed and demonstrating avoidance sniffing from a dog who is confident but visually distracted by birds. In another rating system, they may have the same distraction score.

CARAT reflects the behavioral reality that a response to any given stimulus can either inhibit or activate the animal, attract the animal or create avoidant behavior, and that the distinction between the two is critical in understanding the individual.

CARAT identifies individual components of overall behavior patterns. This prevents the common problem of two dogs receiving the same score when the details of their behavior are quite different.

For instance, in one rating system commonly used, dogs may be rated as highly distractible. Highly distractible dogs can be vastly different. For one dog, the “distraction” might have been olfactory, while another dog might have been “distracted” by visual stimuli.

When the same score is given, it tells us nothing about the type of distraction that provoked the dog’s response, how persistent the dog is in pursuing the distraction, the arousal level and resilience of the dog when in the presence of the distraction, the dog’s level of awareness of the stimuli, and many other factors. CARAT does take all that – and more – into account, and reflects it in the profile.

Unlike other scoring systems that set a defined “desirable” score, CARAT is focused on profiling the individual in terms of functional, adaptive behavior. The mid-range score of 0 is behavior that is considered highly functional and adaptive across a broad range of contexts. The further any one given score moves toward the extremes of the range, the less adaptive that behavior is except in more narrowly defined contexts or niches.

CARAT says, “This is who this individual dog is.” What constitutes a desirable profile is dependent upon how closely the individual’s profile fits the intended purpose, use or goal for the dog.

CARAT helps to delineate what makes one individual dog suitable for a task while another dog is not. For example:

A competitive tracking dog ideally has a productive, heightened olfactory awareness with a higher level of olfactory persistence.

A successful guide dog is visually aware, and does not have any notable olfactory persistence.

There are great differences in the CARAT profiles for a successful French ring sport dog and a suitable companion for an elderly person with mobility issues. 

CARAT Certification has 3 prerequisite courses.

Before you enroll, have you successfully completed the following? Each of these 5 week courses are offered twice a year.

  • Intro to CARAT

    This online course provides a thought-provoking introduction to the CARAT framework, temperament, traits and understanding dogs in a whole new light.

  • Observation Skills Part One

    Fine tune your observation skills with this in-depth course. Ideal for anyone wishing to become a more skilled observer. You may take this before or after the Intro to CARAT course.

  • Observation Skills Part Two

    Only available to those who have completed Observation Skills Part One. This course further builds your observation skills, and prepares you for the observation intense CARAT Intensive course.

Find the upcoming CARAT prerequisite courses here:

Course curriculum



    3. Q&A Schedule

    1. STARTING POINT - Test yourself



    4. READING: How Infant Temperament Extends into Young Adulthood

    5. ASSIGNMENT: Thinking in the CARAT Framework

    1. One Trait AROUSAL Balanced V

    2. AROUSAL right shift V

    3. RESILIENCE - Umbrella comparison V


    5. RESILIENCE - Auditory Stimuli

    6. ENERGY Know the Gaits

    7. ENERGY - Wahoo & Oh, Bother!

    8. SOCIABILITY - Right Shift

    9. SOCIABILITY - Left Shift

    10. SOCIAL USE OF SPACE Balanced

    11. SOCIAL USE OF SPACE - Left Shift


    13. SOCIAL TOLERANCE Balanced

    14. SOCIAL TOLERANCE - Right Shift


    2. BIDDABILITY Left Shift

    3. ENV CONF Cassie #3



    6. ENV CONF Cassie #2



    9. ASSIGNMENT: Patience








    3. DETAILED NOTES - 3 Traits

    4. CREAM TO THE TOP 2x Speed - 3 dogs

    5. PRACTICE CREAM TO THE TOP - What do YOU see?

    6. 3 TRAIT INTERACTION - Ruger



About this course

  • 107 lessons

To complete this course you will need:

  • Laptop, desktop or tablet with Internet access that will provide you with access to the course platform, e-mail and Zoom meetings.
  • Ability to download & print some online study materials.
  • Smart phone, tablet or other video device to record digital video & tripod.
  • Basic video editing skills & software (most smart phone/tablet software is sufficient).
  • Ability to open/use PDFs and Microsoft Word Documents.
  • Fluency in English.

How to Enroll

STEP 1 - Complete the following prerequisite courses:

  1. Intro to CARAT
  2. Observation Skills Part One
  3. Observation Skills Part

STEP 2 - E-mail us and we will confirm that you have completed your prerequisites. Once confirmed, we will send you the payment link to complete your enrollment.  

Regular Price - $1800.00

Payment Plan Enrollment - 5 monthly payments of $385.00


  • Enroll at any time once the pre-reqs are met.
  • This is an intensive, professional level course.  Students should anticipate spending 4-6+ hours a week to keep up with the course materials and scheduled bi-weekly meetings.
  • Each module must be completed (including test and assignments) before the next module opens.
  • Instructor led Q&A sessions are scheduled for at least two sessions per month.
  • Online Support will be provided via discussions and private CARAT intensive groups.
  • Anticipated time to certification: 18-24 months.


CARAT offers a comprehensive approach to assessing and understanding behavior. It is a tool that is valuable for:

  • Trainers & instructors
  • Shelter/rescue/ACO personnel
  • Veterinarians & vet techs
  • Behaviorists
  • Competitors & handlers
  • Breeders
  • Ethologists/biologists

Certified CARAT Assessors will not only have the skills the need to make valuable assessments, they will be listed on Suzanne Clothier's site for potential clients to find.

In applying CARAT, we have the goal of being able to define what role might be most suitable for this dog, what lifestyle might be most comfortable for this individual, what type of person might be most compatible with this dog, and what situations or handlers or demands might be unfair, distressing or unproductive for this individual.

CARAT seeks to create better assessments of dogs as individuals. For trainers, behaviorists and instructors, this detailed understanding is the key to appropriate handling and to creating effective, humane training plans based on that individual dog’s patterns of response.

For animal shelter and rescue personnel as well as trainers and others, CARAT profiles can aid in the selection of dogs for a specific purpose, handler or environment.


Two (2) per year
Needs-based scholarships (50% off) 

Four (4) per year
BIPOC scholarships (30% off) available. 

All scholarships are on a first-come, first served basis. An application must be completed.

Only one scholarship per person, please.

Please e-mail us for more info.


For-profit businesses & organizations - 10% discount when enrolling 2 or more students.

Non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations - 20% discount when enrolling 2 or more students. 

Educational organizations - contact us regarding course access for your students. 

Please e-mail us for more info.


Once you have completed the following prerequisites:

  1. Intro to CARAT
  2. Observation Skills Part One
  3. Observation Skills Part Two

You can e-mail us to enroll.  

We will confirm that you have completed your prerequisites and send you the payment link to complete your enrollment.  

Regular Fee - $1800.00

Payment Plan Enrollment - 5 monthly payments of $385.00


Suzanne Clothier

Senior Instructor

Suzanne Clothier has been working with animals professionally since 1977, with a deep, broadly varied background of experience including obedience training, agility, Search & Rescue, kennel management, and program development. She is well respected for her humane, effective Relationship Centered Training (RCT™) approach to dogs and the people that love them. She has taught on a broad range of topics throughout the world. Her tools and materials have been put to use in guide & service dog organizations, in animal assisted therapy, for every day pet owners, and by trainers, breeders, veterinarians, academics and in research. Her work has been presented in multiple international conferences. Her book, Bones Would Rain from the Sky: Deepening Our Relationships With Dogs (Warner, 2002) has received wide spread praise from every corner of the dog world. A German Shepherd breeder, her 11 generations of Hawks Hunt German Shepherds have been successful as competitive performance sports, as well as in Search & Rescue, herding, therapy work and of course as beloved companions. Suzanne lives on an upstate New York with her incredibly tolerant husband John Rice.

Cindy Knowlton
