Thursday, December 11 at 2pm EST

Join live or watch the recording afterwards.

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The reasons we share our lives with dogs are many. Whether our goals are lofty – titles, championships - or no grander than the immense pleasure of a dog walking with us, we all share the desire for a true partnership.

How do we get there? 

 This Elemental Question looks at the complex dynamics of dog/human relationships. Whatever the dog’s abilities or limits, who we are and what abilities and limits we have will affect what we can do together. 

As with any healthy relationship, our willingness to be honest with ourselves is just as important as understanding our partner the dog. “Can we . . .?” looks at the intersection of who the dog is, who we are, and how that can help or hinder our partnership. 

Join us for CAN WE? - you can buy just this webinar or get all six in the series.

Buy the SIX part series! Buy just this webinar!


  • Self-Assessment: We need to assess our personal strengths, weaknesses, and how they intersect with the animal’s abilities.
  • Aligning Goals: We are truly positive and humane when we set realistic, shared objectives that respect our mutual capabilities and preferences.
  • Where Are the Fireflies? Identifying the strongest aspects of our relationship, and how those support our goals.
  • Building & Repairs: What is missing? What’s getting in our way or hindering our growth? What changes need to be made?
  • Adjustment & Acceptance: As our dogs change, as we change, as life hands us challenges, “Can we . . .” is a question we revisit often, making adjustments, finding acceptance along the way.

This Elemental Question is interested in being as honest about ourselves, our dogs and our relationships as dogs are about life. No right, no wrong, just clear-eyed appraisal about what is, what isn’t, and what is possible with adjustments or change.

This series will be spaced out through 2025. Each individual webinar will be available for purchase at $24.95 prior to the live airing date, and $29.95 after that. If you missed one you can purchase the recording individually or it will be included in the bundle. For those with subscriptions to the RCT Reference Collection, this series will be added one at a time, two months after the live airing date.

This webinar will be recorded, you can join live or access the recording within 48 hours after the airing date. You will have access to the recording for a year.

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Billed at $200 per year.


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Frequently Asked Questions

We apply for CEUs for IAABC, KPA and PPAB for each webinar, all CEUs are currently pending. 

Unfortunately we do not qualify for CEUs with CCPDT.

YES! This webinar will be recorded, including the Q&A section. You will have access to the recording for a year.

If you are joining live you will need to log into our Thinkific page, and you will find the webinar in your dashboard. In the webinar there will be an option to join live through Zoom.

If you are purchasing the recorded option, or miss the live webinar, a recorded version will be available.  The recorded version will be uploaded within 48 hours of the live.

You can always purchase the recording!  Joining live is just $24.95 but the recorded version will be available afterwards, for $29.95.

You can either buy the recorded webinar individually for $29.95 or purchase the entire SIX webinar series for $125.  The recorded version will appear in your dashboard as soon as you buy.

You will have access to the recorded version for a year.